January 8, 2019 | Melanie Perillo

As Dr. Seuss says, “Oh, the places you’ll go”….
Isn't that the truth? I am happy to introduce BDG's inaugural issue of PRELUDE. When I started BDG 23 years ago, it was always my intent to get up close and personal with the businesses we feature and reveal their behind-the-scenes stories. I wanted everyone to know and see the amazing talent and expertise that I have been privileged to witness firsthand, or, the places I have been with BDG and the things that I have seen. Telling these stories has become the backbone of PRELUDE.
PRELUDE is a preview to BDG’s annual publication and a blend of print and digital content. Our readers are thirsting for great content in small doses, so we’re offering a hand-delivered printed publication to their doorsteps and rolling it out online and across our social media channels. Whether PRELUDE is explored from cover to cover (the way we used to immerse ourselves in print!) or on a smartphone or app, it is my hope that readers dive into its information and take away something they had no knowledge of.
To read about these inspiring projects online, visit our blog and please consider supporting these remarkable tradespeople who took time to tell us their stories. The best of the best is at your fingertips!
Some of the places PRELUDE took me. Left: To a beautifully textured, traditional home in Wellesley (my deepest thanks to the more than gracious homeowners!), where I'm pictured with interior designer Melissa Gulley, kitchen designer Donna Venegas and members of the BDG team. Click here to see more of the home; Center: With Anthony Catalfano, the recipient of BDG's first Legend Award, at Anthony Catalfano Home in Wells, Maine; Right: Flanked by the inimitable Ernie Boch Jr. (left) at the Subaru of New England Headquarters and landscape architect Brian Frazier (right), who designed the incredible grounds for Boch's garden pavilion, as well as BDG editor Sandy Giardi (far left). Click here to read more about this eternal project.
To request a complimentary print copy of PRELUDE, email us at info@bostondesignguide.com.
Be sure to include your name and full mailing address.
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