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How to choose the best flower container for your home

How to choose the best flower container for your home

The experts at Schumacher Companies know we’ll all be spending a lot of time outdoors soon. Whether you’ll be relaxing in your garden or entertaining on your patio, creating an enjoyable outdoor living space is essential. Schumacher Companies suggests new flower containers as a flexible way to enhance your outdoor living spaces. Flower containers make a big impact without making major structural changes.

Schumacher Companies has 3 steps on picking the best flower container for your home:

1. Choose the space

Decide where you want to place the container. The location of where the container will be can help determine the size and color. If you’re considering a spacious area, remember that you don’t necessarily have to use a large container. Many people use two or three containers of a smaller size in a location where you could use one big pot.


2. Choose the container’s style

Look at the style on the container to see if it will compliment the style of your home.

For homes that are classic in design and possess clean, symmetrical lines such as Federal, Colonial or Georgian style homes, consider stone urns and more formal planters.

For contemporary homes, consider using shallow, bowl-shaped pots.

Or if you own a cottage, consider window boxes, wheelbarrows or even watering cans for a light, more whimscial look to your home.

3. Choose the plant

After the space and container style have been determined, the next step is to choose the plant. Decide on using colors that you like and consider color combinations.

You may love the colors yellow and red, but would not want to see them together in a pot. Colors can be picked through plant foliage, and not just flower petals. Many plants such as grasses and vines are used in pots for the variety of their foliage and their unique forms.

There are many options to consider when choosing the best container and plants for your home. These options give containers their versatility and allow them to reflect your individualism and personality. Schumacher Companies is excellent at picking the best flower arrangements for your outdoors, see more of their work on the Boston Design Guide website.

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