September 6, 2018 | Sandy Giardi

A beautiful kitchen-in-the-making in Chestnut Hill, designed by Duckham Architecture & Interiors, just received the highlight of the room—a Mugnaini pizza oven—and Boston-based builder Fallon Custom Homes & Renovations called us in to see a slice of their progress. Mugnaini specializes in authentic wood-fired pizza ovens that bring that warm, open-hearth experience home. These ovens are best-of-class and used by professional chefs across North America—we’re talking Guy Fieri, Food Network and The Cooking Channel.
Project Manager Bob Macchi of Fallon Custom Homes & Renovations shares that pizza ovens are not everyday things for typical builds (Forbes, in fact, has the Mugnaini Prima on its list of most-expensive kitchen appliances). This single-fuel wood fired oven came crated, by truck and weighed 2300 pounds, and the custom builder over-framed the floor to hold its weight. The oven is situated between a home office and butler’s pantry that extend symmetrically off the kitchen and centered with the range and hood. No doubt, the feature will be one of the “focal points of the room” says Macchi, setting the mood and elevating the kitchen to pizza-parlor status, though its owners can think beyond pies and dish out delicious paellas, crispy-skinned roast chicken and home-baked breads.
Until then, there’s work to be done. Fallon is now moving on to getting the flue piping approved, working with engineers Emerson Swan on combustibles, and getting it code compliant. After presenting it to the building department, they’ll begin the metal studding, Durock and creating the stone facade—the tile design is still being finalized.
BDG will be invited back to track their progress, see the finished product and, we’re hoping, taste the fruits of their labor. Stay tuned!
Construction by Fallon Custom Homes & Renovations; architecture by Duckham Architecture & Interiors; interior design by Liz Caan & Co.; photography by Warren Patterson
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